Saturday, April 2, 2011

Xperia PLAY 2011 Prelude

Hi,this week we held a European tournament -Xperia PLAY Prelude 2011. On Wednesday and Thursday there was eight, fascinating battles.

The first two battles took place at 19:

1. x6tence vs. empty - The Swedish team (empty), as usual, showed the Spaniards how to play CS 1.6. They won 2:0 (1st - de_inferno 6:16, 2nd - de_dust2 10:16)
2. RG-ENUZI vs. face!- Not this league , RG-ENUZI, not this league. face! won 2:0 (1st - de_train 16:10, 2nd - de_tuscan 16:9). Only "kale" defended his team's honor - see this action:

Next match: mTw vs. Gamerzone. Of course mTw won this battle 2:0 (1st - de_inferno 16:3, 2nd - de_train 16:9

4. Cheap Times! vs. munkka - It was very hard duel. They must play up to 3 maps. Unfortunately, young squad, Cheap Times! eventually lost in a clash with munkka 1:2 (1st - de_inferno 22:26, 2nd - de_train 16:5, 3rd - de_dust2 11:16). Cheap Times! defended very well. This is evidenced by this situation:

5. Moscow Five vs. X (former DG)- The Russians surely won against X. That was Own3d - 2:0 for Moscow Five (1st - de_inferno 16:1, 2nd - de_train 16:4).

6.dateam vs. deathwish- deathwish won 2:1 (1st - de_inferno 4:16, 2nd - de_train 16:9, 3rd - de_tuscan 23:26).

7.Online vs. eSrael - Israelis didn't have any chances. 2:0 for Finns ( 1st - de_dust2 16:14, 2nd - de_nuke 16:12).

8.SK Gaming vs. gatherproffs- The best battle of this week. Both sides played very well. However, the composition of CS 1.6 stars like GeT_Right or RobbaN must win. They defeated gatherproffs 2:1 (1st - de_train 16:6, 2nd - de_inferno 6:16, 3rd - de_dust2 16:12). We could see amazing actions both SK and gatherproffs :

What is your favorite to win?


  1. I never played cs 1.6, only source :-/

  2. Im impresed, second video was awesome.

  3. source is great, i need to start playing it again.

  4. lol im actually surprised people still compete at CS, its old school at this point, i use to be addicted to zombie mod

  5. Huh, I'm a little surprised people still play this professionally.

  6. I still love CS some things never get old

  7. ahhh! Yes! I <3 1.6 so much.. I'm glad it's still around, and I hope the same happens with Brood War.

    So sad to see great games die off for "graphics".

  8. Think I'll be playing this again later.
